Mt. Myoko treking

Mt. Myoko at 12th April from Imori-pound

 We had a one day trek to Mt. Myoko, 2,454 m high. Mt. Myoko is also known as Echigo-Fuji, that means analogical formative to Mt. Fuji. Sadly, we could not see the whole picture of the mountain throughout the trekking yesterday.

We departed ropeway base station, "Myoko Sky Cable", at 8:00 am on Saturday 5th September, and arrived at trail entrance after 10 min riding to the top of the ropeway.
Myoko kogen, Akakura-Kanko Ski Resort
It was a relaxed trail the whole way to the top, initially through fagaceae wooded areas and then rocky area onto open mountain. It took us three and half hours to get to the top of the Mt. Myoko, where we could take a lunch, after climbing up about 1,200m a distance of about 4km.
Forest of fagaceae
The route to the top was well maintenance with iron chains & lopes particularly in the more exposed areas along the ledge. 
We arrived at the top 2454m, at about 11:40am.
Peak sign of Mt. Myoko
We arrived back safely at the ropeway station around 15:20am. See the detail of the trail log on the Yamareco site.

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