Central Alps: Mt. Kisokoma, Mt. Naka, and Mt. Houken

Mount Kisokoma (Kiso-komagatake, 木曽駒ケ岳) is a 2,956m high mountain in  Kiso DistrictNagano Prefecture, Japan. The mountain belongs to the "Kiso mountains", also called "Central Alps". Hikers can take the Komagatake Ropeway and it takes you from the base of the mountain up the Senjōjiki Col, a large cirque, located at 2,650m. Before you take Komagatake Ropeway, you need to catch a bus form Suganodai Bus center or Komagane Ekimae (JR Komagane Sta.) Shirabidaira Station of the ropeway.

JR Komagane Station (駒ヶ根駅) 
Komgatatake Ropeway: https://www.chuo-alps.com/lang/en/
Access: https://www.chuo-alps.com/lang/en/getting-here/getting-onoff-the-shuttle-bus-and-paying-the-fare/

From the top of the ropeway, with looking up the Senjōjiki Col, a large cirque at 2,650 m. We have already been above clouds.

Hikers and tourists use the same trail for 15 min. Then trail starts elevating towards north-west. Until reaching to the col at 2,858m, it made hikers hike up very slowly on the narrow and steep trail due to crowded by too many hikers of all ages.

We stood on the top of three mountains, Mt. Kisokoma, Mt. Naka, and Mt. Houken. Our GPS track of today's hiking is as follows.

A panorama view from the col at 2,858m.

There was a shrine at the top of Mt. Kisokoma.

A panorama view from the Nougaike (Nou pond) at 2,655m.

Amazing view from Komakai-no-ike (Komakai pond) at 2,712m. Water flow from the snowy gorge was very cool.

Note that it's very famous sightseeng place and there a lot of tourists, however, the mountains are on the 3,000m class. You need to prepare the weather changes and altitude anoxia.

See also:

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