Yatsugatake Mountains in Summer- Mt. Gongen and Mt. Amikasa

The Yatsugatake Mountains are a mountain range in the Nagano and Yamanashi prefecture in Japan. We have been to Mt. Aka where the most highest mountain sitting at the center of Yamtsugatake mountains last year. This year, we chose Mt. Gongen (Gongen-dake, 権現岳) and Mt. Amikasa (Amikasa-yama, 編笠山)

The Yatsugatake Mountains

The GPS tracking log of our day trip.
We departed from the Kan-non-daira, the starting point of mountain trail, at 1,560m. Around Kan-non-daira, it seems to be famous for the observation of a special kind of liverwort that looks green fluorescent, Hikarigoke (Schistostega pennata , ヒカリゴケ).

Note that for almost all area of mountains in Yatsugatake area belong to national park and it is prohibited to collect any kind of plants, flowers and trees. Keep rules and save a moutain environment.

Starting of a trail, it very smooth and easy to walk.

After 2.5 hours of hiking, we reached a today's first summit, Mt. Amikasa, 2,524m.

After pass through the Mt. Amikasa's summit, soon a hut can be seen. The hut is the Seinen-goya (Hut Seinen).

Many hikers had a brief break around the hut.

After we pass the hut, a rocky mountain appears in front of us, but it is not a next destination, Mt. Gongen.

We walk straight past the rocky mountain seeing a lot of alpine plant blooming .

Mt. Aka (the highest mountain in the Yatsugatake mountains) is in the cloud.

After 2hours from Mt. Amikasa, we reached the top of Mt. Gongen at 2,715m!

We headed to the Mt. Mitsugashira to make a round tour of the trekking route.

45 min from Mt. Gongen, we reached to the  Mt. Mitsugashira. We heard the roll of thunder so we walk with quick steps and go down to our car.

The round trip of this trail is not so popular and small number of hiker use it. Therefore the trail is very quiet.

Very quiet forest.

After long route of descending a mountain, we finally came back to our car. That's is not so much long course, however, it was very high humidity in the forest. It made us even more tired compared with usual. Exhaust...

We drove our car to the nearest spa and shopping place. We found blue berry ice cream!! It was very yummy for a weary body.

Michino-eki Kobuchizawa (道の駅こぶちざわ) 

After spa treatment, we discover a restaurant that looks good. Our choice was really correct. They provide a very good foods.

関連ランキング:洋食 | 小淵沢駅甲斐小泉駅

Going back to the urban....

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