Mt. Naeba treking

In the snow season, Yuzawa (Niigata Pref. in Japan) area is very famous for hot springs and skiing nouth of Tokyo. Mt. Naeba is placed behind the Kagura ski resort.

Getting to the trail: From Tokyo to Yuzawa, you can use the Joetsu line of the Shinkansen bullet train. In the summer time, you may use the bus from the station to near the ski resort, but it is better to lent a car at the station. You can access to the trail entrance in the middle of the ski resort.

 Start from the parking few hundred meters below the Wada lodge, and heading to the Wada lodge.

You can find Wada lodge and in front of it, there is a ski course. The trail starts here and we walked the right side of the ski course. 

In the winter season, many skiers and snowboarders come here, Mt Kagura, to enjoy backcountry skiing and snowboarding.

By passing through the Mt. Kagura, Mt. Naeba with flat table top appears suddenly.

In the winter, following image is the outlook of Mt. Naeba from almost same place.

The top of the mountain is a plateau looks like it is up in the air.

The mark of Mt. Naeba's top.

We found there is an indicator that tells there is a shrine on the plateau, and we looked for it and found very small one.

Once fog covered the plateau, it becomes very cold but more fantastic scenery and we enjoyed it.

Our traking log can be found at Yamareco site.

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